The Stick

The Stick

Oct 19, 2015

Which Stick Do I Choose?

("What Does It Do?" - Part II)

Because people come in all shapes, sizes, and masses, Doc and his team have developed different Sticks for different body types. For example, if you’re a marathon runner, you might opt for the Marathon Stick. Its internal rod has the proper amount of recommended flex, its spindles are sized accordingly for lean muscles, and the grips will fit nimble hands. On the other extreme, if you’re a bodybuilder or a football player, you may need a heftier Stick such as the Big Stick or the Stiff Stick, which have less flexible internal rods, bigger spindles, and much larger hand grips. You’ll need something tough that can penetrate deep into thick muscle mass. If you travel a lot, the Travel Stick is the ideal size for tossing into your bag and having treatment on the go. Professional cyclists often prefer these. In all, there are dozens of designs, but 3 or 4 are the most popular and fit most people’s needs. We even have a Kid’s Stick (which works wonders for small athletes going through growing pains) and a Pet Stick that your horses and dogs will love!

So how do you choose? 

It depends upon your body type and needs. See below for a quick summary or click here for more detailed descriptions.

Sports Enthusiasts

Weightlifter, Bodybuilder, Football Player: 
The Big Stick or The Stiff Stick

Tennis, Golf, Mid-range Activities and Body Types: 
The Original Body Stick

People focusing on the Lower Body and Legs: 
The Sprinter Stick

Cyclists, Trekkers and Travelers:
The Travel Stick

Long Distance, World Class Runners: 
The Marathon Stick

For Complete Body Treatments

Over 6’ tall and 180 pounds: 
The Stick Pro System for complete body treatment

Under 6’ tall and 180 pounds: 
The Stick Fitness System for total management of every major muscle group

General Wellness and Treatment

For Advanced Muscle Management:
The Power Stick (included in the Pro System)

For those with Lean Bodies and/or Limited Range of Motion in the Upper Limbs: 
The Flex Stick

For those who need the “Granddaddy of Recovery,” especially when targeting localized areas and trigger points: 
The Hybrid Stick

Have trouble with Plantar Fasciitis or your feet?
The FootWheel - your arches and your feet will thank you!

Need trigger point therapy and myofascial release, especially near joints like elbows, wrists, ankles, and knees?
The TriggerWheel - we keep these at our desks, in our cars, and everywhere a flare-up might occur.

Aid to Others

What about your children and growing athletes?
The Little Stick

What about ailing pets, such as your aging dog? Or what about your thoroughbred horse who also needs muscle care?
The Pet Stick - they’ll love you for it!

As you can see, there are many models that are crafted for your specific needs. We also have medically dispensed Sticks for doctors treating specific, recurring problems such as fibromyalgia.

A detailed list of our sports model Sticks can be found here

If you’d like to read more, feel free to peruse our website for all kinds of information:, or call our offices at 1-800-554-1501. We’d be happy to speak with you and answer your questions!

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